Friday, June 3, 2011

What's the point?

What is the difference of a twenty year old drinking illegally and a twenty one year old drinking legally? Do we really think one year is going to make a difference? Still, these twenty year old and nineteen year old are getting "busted" for underage drinking. Tickets are handed out left and right for no reason if you look at it logically. If you look at the big picture, it's just a way to literally take money from teens and young adults.

We are held responsible for our own president but we can't hold responsibility for ourselves? How does that make sense?

"Some experts believe that it's actually contributing to an increase in extreme drinking." Young adults, age eighteen drink underage sometimes just to break the law. They feel on the edge because they are going against what the government says. They don't just drink a few, they drink a lot. Rebelling against the law. Not to mention leading to an increase of alcohol related deaths.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

During the past month, 26.4% of underage persons (12-20) used alcohol.

Alcohol use remains extremely widespread among today's teenagers. Nearly three quarters, 72% have consumed alcohol by the end of their high school career.


Many people think that the legal drinking age is too high. The drinking age for the united states is twenty one. The age that many people believe it should be is eighteen. The legal age for many things are eighteen. This includes voting, driving after nine, and joining the military.

Arrests all around happen because of underage drinking parties. At these parties the age ranges from eighteen and higher. We would not half as many problems with the law if we just compensated.